Thursday, August 23, 2007

missle launcher for shoes

this...Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

for this...Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

my friend shannon just showed me this so i thought i would toss it up here

Missile dumped at US gun amnesty

A man in Florida surprised police by handing in a surface-to-air missile launcher during a gun amnesty in the city of Orlando.
Under the no-questions-asked scheme, "Kicks for Guns", anyone who surrendered a firearm would receive trainers or $50 (£25).

The Orlando Sentinel newspaper said the man exchanged the rocket launcher for designer footwear for his daughter.

He told the newspaper he found the 4ft (1.2m) weapon in a shed last week.

The unidentified man said he had tried in vain to get rid of the launcher, which is designed to blow aircraft out of the sky.

"I took it to three dumps to try to get rid of it and they told me to get lost."

"I didn't know what to do with it, so I brought it here," he told the newspaper.

Besides the missile launcher, Orlando Police collected more than 310 guns during the amnesty.

After inspecting the rocket launcher, police spokeswoman Sgt Barbara Jones said: "I tell you, you never know what you're going to get."

I'll tell you, the guy at the dump has got alot of balls to tell a guy with a anti aircraft missle launcher to just "get lost." whoever owned this thing must have been a pushover anyways being that he gave it up just for a pair of shoes for his kid, i mean come on, rob a bank or hold something hostage or something! Its not every day you run across a missle launcher you know, and if you do you, better damn well use it!

heres a clip of that guy and his family i found on youtube

good trade

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

gogol bordello on letterman

is it me or does it seem like this was not daves idea/he had never heard of these guys untill he announced them. anyways Gogol Bordello have been quickly becoming one of my favorite bands ever since Ashley and her brother Parker showed them to me. I was sold when i found out that their music is categorized as "russian gypsy punk." I highly suggest these guys to everyone

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"I am here only for their tears. Give them to me and I will go."
big brother adam sent this one to me with a bunch of would be great movies that were never made

look up the rest here...

Dan Aykroyd has been desperately pushing for a Ghostbusters sequel for over a decade (yes, we're refusing to acknowledge that Ghostbusters 2 exists). He wrote a script years ago called Ghostbusters: Hellbent (later changed to the more descriptive Ghostbusters in Hell when co-conspirator Harold Ramis got involved) where the ghostbusting crew wind up in a version of New York that exists only in Hell. As the original actors aged and the film continued to not get made, the script was changed to accommodate new, younger group of comedy all-stars to play newly-hired ghostbusters—which, for better or worse, was going to include Ben Stiller.

Why it didn't get made: Because "Billy" didn't want to get within ten feet of the thing, according to Aykroyd. "Billy" is Bill Murray, who didn't like how the second movie turned out (what second movie?) and has since dedicated his life to making more serious films. To be fair, special effects are fun to watch but not so much fun to act in. Murray, now in his late 50s, probably didn't want to spend half a year in front of green screens, covered in slime and getting thrashed around by hydraulic monsters, with Aykroyd and Ramis calling him "Billy" and giving him big thumbs-up signs the whole time

And while we're on the subject: Before the original Ghostbusters came around, Ivan Reitman, Bill Murray and Dan Aykroyd were in talks to make Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. It was scrapped when Aykroyd came up with the idea for Ghostbusters

oh what could have been! it could still happen

when the Titanic arrived,
"welp, better late than never!"

Thursday, August 16, 2007

mishaps in metropolis

so what happend next you might ask?

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

duelling brandos

norman mclarens two good films

for those whove never heard of this guy he's kinda like george lucas of animation, meaning he had two good films (these two) and created some cool special effects stuff and also made alot of crap, thats how i feel that is.

ps i suggest watching be gone dull care full screen